Sunday, April 29, 2018

Color purple review

My overall review on the color purple, it was a fantastic novel that teaches many lessons,throughout it, life lessons and morals for the readers of the novel. The novel had an amazing plot and I recommend to anyone in the future to take time and read it, the novel all together is great and it was great to read as a class im happy i was able to part take in such a great novel.

Compare and contrast color purple

A comparison between The Color Purple book, and. The Color Purple movie, are majority of the scenes, such as the scene when Ceilie and Mr.____ and Shug are in the JukeJoint dancing and singing
And Sofia walks in with her new man and Harpo was with his with new girl known as Squeak and Sofia and Squeak Get into a conflict and Sofia punches Squeak inside the water and a fight breaks out  and Celie and Shug  sneak off into into Mr._____ house and have a intimate moment.Thats a huge comparison between the book and the film.

The difference between the the book and movie is the different scenes throughout both works. In the book it shows different scenes in the book and also vice versa with the movie, because the book goes into deeper detail about most things and it was worded differently. The movie gets straight to the point with some scenes,and some scenes are completely different like how in the book when shug is with a new man and confesses her love for Mr.____ but in the movie that doesn’t happen,so different scenes and different events make the movie and book different.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Letter to author

Dear, Ralph Ellison
             I would love to say i am enjoying the book as i read, i see and read many things that you have said, you have made great points and have pointed things out that many people overlook or take up in reality. You speak alot on racism and the way you try to project it into your book is amazing,because you talk about one thing which might’ve have a different meaning to what it actually means. For example with the blind men, the men were blind to many things, they were blind to how people see them,their surroundings,their lives but the narrator was blind but he could see a little bit and could see the things happening to the African American community. Stereotypes are described throughout the book as well, many are and the way it is shown to us the book many people may not take it into consideration about it but your book helps us see it. Thats what I wanted to let you know about your book.
                             Sincerely,BreShea Carter

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Chapter 7 Invisible Man questions

1. The vet uses a metaphor in order to tell the narrator to see things the way they really are.

2. The vet is telling the narrator to control his own fate. He is telling him to make his own rules instead of having people do them for him.

3. The narrator alludes to the story of Jonah in the bible. He feels as though coming to Harlem is him being thrown up from the belly of a whale.

Class work 3-7-18

1.) judgement- a very important part of the book associates with the relationship between black and white people, with blacks being judged by the white mans eye and being invisible to one another.
2.) Deception- Although its not clearly shown deception is between the characters, it is between the characters Dr.Bledsoe and the Narrator.
3.) Suffering- suffering is accuring within the narrator and his flash backs although he is not showing it, it is happening and the reader can depict that.
“I Too”- In the time of this story, black people were transitioning from being slaves in that time. In the poem langston stated that he would be able to be around whites without being judged because of his skin color.
“Refugee in America”- This poem shows that he will be free to be around white people,although he will still have many restrictions that, he should still have respect and not get too out of hand.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Chapter 4&5&6

Chapter 4
1.) Norton realizes the school is threatened

2.)I think that the narrator hates trueblood because he feels bad about the situation that happened that day. He is afraid that Mr. Norton will be mad at him for driving him to truebloods house and taking him to a black bar(Golden Day)when he became faint

3.) The effect of comparing the campus building was that is shows how things haven’t changed for African Americans.

4.) Dr. Bledsoe achieve power by following the path shown to him by White superiors.

5.) The mirror and aquarium are used as metaphors.

Chapter 5
1.)The red glare to the white mans eyes is the comparison.

2.) The tone used in the two paragraphs is an assertive tone the rooms emotions

3.) Rhetorical effect is shown in the last sentence of the passage asking to doubt fredom

4.)  The phrase used by narrator is “I watched him smiling at first”

5.) Allusion is used in the speech

6.) Simile is used to show the effection by saying “coal black like a reluctant and solitary tear”

7.) sound devices are connected to the word “black” where the narrator talks about the word black like an dark  conspiracy

8.) Rhetorical effect of Barbee blindness is that Barbee says he is such an expert of life but yet he is completely blind

9.) the image the narrator see’s is that that Barbee stumbles and that Barbee is blind.

Chapter 6
1.) The way he presents himself shows that he is very relaxed.

2.) Bledsoe became angry because he wanted the narrator to lie but norton came up telling the truth.

3.) Bledsoe believes that whites should be in pour.

4.) Repetition  is used because Bledsoe kept saying “that” referring to the narrator as “that” causing him to become offended.

5.) It foreshadows how Bledsoe will help in the future.

Friday, March 2, 2018

Chapter 1 and 2 INVISIBLE MAN

1.) The line "a fair bird-girl girlded in veils calling to me from the angry surface of some gray and threatening sea" refers to Greek Sirens.
2.)The grandfather is saying that the narrator should be submissive to the racism but continue being rebellious towards everyone.
3.) The significance of the narrator comparing himself if because he sees himself as a potential nd another’s version of booker t Washington.

4.)He knows that he is put into the room for entertainment for the white men and that he is not supposed to have feelings towards the naked blonde 
5.)The fact that white men are getting their kicks at the expense of young black men show that assimilation, at least behind closed doors, has its limits.
1.)The narrator needs to follow the "white line" as he is driving Mr. Norton around.