Thursday, September 21, 2017

King lear review

What i like about the book is that it give a greal lesson on how family should always love one another and not turn on each other and no matter how bad somebody treats you that you should never do the same such as how cordelia did her father lear treated her bad and cordelia never tried to get revenge rhe book its self it just magnificent and the author used very distinct laughed some words I’ve never seen before but a very good it had some very funny parts jn it and i enjoyed reading the scenes ive previously read and i suggests more people get this book and read it because it teaches a good life lesson and is very enjoyable.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

10 questions 5 quotes

1: What do you think the word stirrups mean in line one and explain wjybyoy think it means that?
2:What do you think it meant when in the first paragraph it said God be thanked in wealth and abundance and explain your answe?
3 Explain in a full sentence on what you think the line  the man whose house lay sick; bedridden on a couch he was laying low.
4:Define the word dormitory and put into your own words?
5:Write down what you think the word infirmarer means?
6:ehat type of figurative language is used when they say "tears trickling"
7: What type of person do you think thomas is explain your answer?
8: Characterize the summoner in your own words?
9:what is a wrathful cambyses expalin please?
10 Also explain what you think a wrathful potentate is?
1:"Trentals deliver from pains your friends souls young and old"
2:"I saw his death by revelation, at home in our dormitory"
3:"Why do you need to seek various friars"
4:"May christ help me, as I have spent upon various kinds of friars many pounds in a few years"
5:"The wrathful Cambyses was also a drunkyard, and ever took delight to be wicked"

The millers fantasy husband-david wife-allison

The husband leaving for work on a bright day and on this particular day he
tells his wife he might me home early so as he is telling her she basically rushes him off by saying "ok ok" not hearing a word he has said ao she can start her mischievous things with various men.The husband worked for richer people in the kingdom he was a servant helping bring things in and out of the castle cleaning up and more so at work on this day the husband was getting looked at very weired as if there was a secret going around so he went around asking everyone what was the big secret so nobody would tell him as if it was about him sl he out of anger rushes home to his wife angrily and busts the door open and calls her name multiple times so as he is calling her name he gets no answer so he walks around the house searching every room then finally goes to their bedroom and sees the covers moving very rapidly and wild so he stands over the bed and his wife peeks her head out and is shocked and asked "why are you here " the husband goes on to say "i told you that i would be home early but i came to ask abot this secret" then the light bulb finally hits his skull "the secret is you have been being a slut being pleasured by men you dont know bringing them in my house you have me looking stupid as i go to work for you to provide for you" he out of anger grabs his wife and shakes her madly then starts a brawl with the fellow she was sleeping with so out of fury he walks in the kitchen grabs a knife and rapidly stabs the man the raises the hand witht the knife as if he was gonna stab his wife he see's fear on her face and walks away to the kitchen and yells out "i have did something I will regret forever this will be a burden I cannot bear i will leave this earth forever at this moment" he then slits his throat his wife runs in crying feeling bad for her slutty ways then kills herself to be with her husband forevermore.