Thursday, September 22, 2016

Blog assignment5

"I couldn’t quite imagine what I would see at Crater Lake. It would be like Lake Superior, I supposed, the lake near which my mother had died, going off blue forever into the horizon"

This quote describes the setting because as cheryl is hiking she sees the nature and sees different lakes and thinks aboyt the ones she has seen 

This quote characterizes her mother because cheryl thinks  about the her mother dies next to while observing the lakes

"She’d been looming for days, riding low and heavy in my mind since Ashland, and now finally, on the day of the snow, she was undeniably here. It was August 18. Her birthday. She’d have been fifty that day, if she’d lived. She didn’t live. She didn’t get to be fifty. She would never be fifty , I told myself as I walked under the cold and bright August sun. Be fifty, Mom. Be f***ing fifty ",

This quote describes the setting because when the Cheryl wakes up and sees the snow she decribes how its a thin layer of snow over her tent and how everything she had was either cold or frozen

This quote describes her mother because as she was eating she thought about how her mother would have loved the snow and how she would be fifthy but she died and yell out be fifthy mom just be f***ing fithy.

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