Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Blog post asignment 7

1 have you ever predicted a death . explain
2 have you ever missed someone dear to heart after they left. Explain
3 have you ever  wanted a certain person dead
4 has anyone ever left your life and you can still hear them
5 has there ever been a day you just felt so happy
6have you ever seen a death happen In front of you.
7 has there ever been a moment you could not identify someone by name
8 is there a song you like that you always have to listen to it
9 Have you ever imagined a death because you were very mad
10 is there someone you know that bled to death.


  1. 7 has there ever been a moment you could not identify someone by name?
    Yes, this has happened to me on multiple occasions. I once forgot my dad's name and he and I share the same name! I run into this problem almost every other day.

    1. Nice answer it happens to all of us I'm pretty sure

    2. Nice answer it happens to all of us I'm pretty sure

  2. 2) Yes I missed some dear to heart after they left. I once had a friend named Jermaine Wright (FiWright). At the beginning of the year he was accidently shot by his girlfriend. When he died sometime I reminisce about the fun times we had and I miss him so much I shed a tear.

    1. Good answer I understand we all have those moments we just have to push through

  3. 4. Sometimes i think I'm crazy but even though my uncle is deceased I still hear him. Whenever I'm doing something I have no business it is like I can hear him. I can still hear his voice. Whenever I think about him I feel as I can hear him talking back.
