Sunday, November 26, 2017

psalm 91

in psalm 91 it shoes that onece you know you have jesus in your life that one can become saved and fhat one will see that one who has sinned time may come early or be punished for their sins

entry 5

the pardoners tale was one of my favorites because it teaches a lesson that greed can be the root to all evil because the three rioters went kn a voyage to find gold but the mindset of having the gold got their heads causeing them to change on one another and injure and kill one another

essay feedback

What i think i made on my in class essay about king lear is probably a low grade because i did not get a chance to finish and i felt as if some of my sentences where repetitive and talked about the same things but alsk i felt as if i did good because i planned and had a few ideas and more information to talk about

Entry 3

My take on act three I believe that gonireal and reagan should have never teamed up with one another because I believe that reagan should have let goneril be mean and hateful by her self reagan had a chance to be on their fathers good side because after gonireal was mean Leae turned to reagan but reagan also betrayed him which was also very hateful for her to do when her father needed her help the most

King lear entry 2

in the second act of king lear kent and oswald get into a confrontation,majority if this act they are arguing and also kent was threatening oswald with a sword and oswald yelled murder.During this specific scene it sounded as if oswald was on to kent diguise because in act one kent was recently exiled and came back to the kingdom to be a loyal servent for the king mear

King lear entry one

The first couple of scts in the play king lear talked about how the king learntrued to offer cordilla,goniral,and reagan his land,reagan and gonirel took it,but cordelia did not take it and lear got infuriated with her because she wanted to be kind so he banished her and a yoing man know by kent spoke up and told the king that was a very big mstake amd the king got mad with kent,and the king banished him as well.So the king disowned cordelia and when the kingdoms came to choose a wife  france came and got cordelia.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Macbeth journal entry 3

in this Act,Act 3 of Macbeth it talks about hoe Macbeth has found out Banquo thinks he is acting suspicious,and thinks Macbeth killed the king instead of a guard.Macbeth also found out Banquo also knew of the witches prophecies. Also Macbeth gathered two murders to murder Banquo because Macbeth didn’t want to do it because of the fact he did not want to loose his friends,so the murders were told to kill Banquo and once Banquo did die,he told Fleance to advenge his death. This particular part of Act 3 showed me that, even if you are scared to do something do it,or get other people to do it,because even though you physically had anything to do with it you are still an associate ,so don’t interact with bad

Monday, November 13, 2017

Act 2 Macbeth journal entry

In the second Act of Macbeth it goes to inform us about how Macbeth commited a murder on the king using a nights dagger leaving it bloody ,and with Lady Macbeth being appalled by the actions.In this act, i feel like if Macbeth used the nights dagger the night should not leave such objects when knowing they should protect the King ,and by Macbeth leaving the dagger it makes it look like one of the nights did it,then Lady Macbeth by her knowing she should have turned him in or said something,because just  by her knowing what he did she is involved in the crime.

Macbeth journal entry #1

In ACT1 of Macbeth,it goes on to show us three witches who know Macbeth and go on to somewhat curse his future and tell him of his future.In this Act i felt as if the witches should have left Macbeth alone,because Macbeth would have probably had a better chance of letting his future hit im but not letting the witches cast different spells,and tell him wnat his future may consist of. Thats my feed kn the first act if Macbeth.