Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Macbeth journal entry 3

in this Act,Act 3 of Macbeth it talks about hoe Macbeth has found out Banquo thinks he is acting suspicious,and thinks Macbeth killed the king instead of a guard.Macbeth also found out Banquo also knew of the witches prophecies. Also Macbeth gathered two murders to murder Banquo because Macbeth didn’t want to do it because of the fact he did not want to loose his friends,so the murders were told to kill Banquo and once Banquo did die,he told Fleance to advenge his death. This particular part of Act 3 showed me that, even if you are scared to do something do it,or get other people to do it,because even though you physically had anything to do with it you are still an associate ,so don’t interact with bad

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